Home of Christ Church in Fremont


missions handbook


Missions handbook is available to HOC3 members. The link below is password protected. If you are interested in looking at the handbook, please request it from the pastoral staff or missions committee members. Pastoral staff can be reached at pastorals@hoc3.org and missions committee can be reached at mc@hoc3.org.

The handbook includes updates and prayer requests provided by several of the missionaries & missions organizations that HOC3 supports, along with the church’s planned missions budget for the upcoming year.

We are hopeful this will help the English congregation to form a better idea of who are the individuals & organizations that HOC3 is partnering with in missions and to pray for them.

Although a lot of the text is in Chinese, there are a number of updates written in English, and the budget at the end of the handbook showing the complete list of who HOC3 supports is in both English & Chinese. The table of contents and section headings also include both English & Chinese.